
Interest in dreams seems to be increasing all the time while, at the same time, people have to be very selective about what they want to read. The basic idea of dreamlinks is to provide links to articles on dreaming, dream research and other dream-related topics (rather than the articles themselves) to make selecting easier: one just has to click on the link to access the webpage of interest.  With dreamlinks, you can already see from the mail subject line if you think it might be interesting.  If you would like to receive a few dreamlinks each week there are a couple ways to join.

Join by email:

  • Send a one-word message to the email address below. You can put Subscribe in the email subject field and/or body if you wish.
  • iasd-dreamlinks+subscribe@googlegroups.com
  • You will receive an email back asking you to confirm either by selecting the button to join in the email, or just replying.

To access all the features of the group (past posts):

  • Go to https://groups.google.com/
  • Change search from MY GROUPS to ALL GROUPS & MESSAGES
  • Search for dreamlinks
  • Select dreamlinks
  • Select join group button
  • Answer questions (link a good idea and update good ideas)
  • Select Join This Group
  • Group Home page will show up.

Confused? Try this video