Books A – Z

Following is a list of books suggested by various IASD members, covering a wide range of dream topics. An effort has been made to make the list inclusive, and therefore some of the books are currently out of print. However, many of these are now available through online used book stores.

  • Ahsen, Akhter (1992). Prolucid dreaming. Brandon House.
  • Al-Akili, Muhammad M. (1992). Ibn Seerin’s dictionary of dreams: According to Islamic inner traditions. Pearl Publishing House.
  • Allrich, Karri (2001). A witch’s book of dreams: Understanding the power of dreams & symbols. Llewellyn Publications.
  • Almansi, Guido & Beguin, Claude (Eds) (1986). Theatre of sleep: An anthology of literary dreams. Pan Books.
  • Alston, Toni M.; Calogeras, Roy C.; Deserno, Heinrich (Eds) (1993). Dream reader: Psychoanalytic articles on dreams. International Universities Press.
  • Anderson, Jane (1998). The shape of things to come: A scientist explains how it is possible to predict and change the future. Random House.
  • Anderson, Jane (1996). Dream it: Do it. HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Anwandter, Rosa; Krippner, Stanley (Eds)(2006). El Lenguaje de la Noche (The Language of the Night). RIL Editores.
  • Anwandter, Rosa (2006). El Poder Magico de Los Suenos (The Magical Power of Dreams). RIL Editores.
  • Anwandter, Rosa (2001). El Verdadero Sueño Americano. The True American Dream, Centro de Estudios Oníricos de Chile CEO. Santiago,Chile.
  • Anwandter, Rosa (1998). Los Sueños Espejo del Alma. Ed. Platero. Dreams: Mirror of the Soul. Santiago,Chile.
  • Arden, John Boghosian (1999). Consciousness, dreams and self: A transdisciplinary approach. Psychosocial Press.
  • Arkin, Arthur M.; Antrobus, John S.; Ellman, Steven J. (Eds) (1978). The mind in sleep: Psychology and psychophysiology. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Ashley, Nancy (1990). Create your own dreams. Fireside Books.
  • Asper, Kathrin (2001). The inner child in dreams. Shambhala.
  • Aizenstat, Stephen and Bosnak, Robert (eds) (2009).Imagination and Medicine: The Future of Healing in an Age of Neuroscience. Spring Journal Books.
  • Bailey, Ruben (2007). In the course of a dream Emanuel for love. Ruben Bailey.
  • Bair, Dierdre (2003). Jung: A biography. Little Brown.
  • Ball, Pamela (1996). 10,000 Dreams interpreted: An A-to-Z guide to dream symbolism. Arcturus Press.
  • Barcaro, Umberto (2010)The Interwoven Sources of Dreams. London: Karnac Books.
  • Barasch, Marc (2000). Healing dreams: Exploring the dreams that can transform your life. Riverhead Books.
  • Barrett, Deidre (Ed) (2001). The committee of sleep: How artists, scientists, and athletes use dreams for creative problem-solving–and how you can too. Crown Publishers.
  • Barrett, Deirdre; McNamara, Patrick (Eds)(2007) The new science of dreaming. Praeger/Greenwood.
  • Barrett, Deidre (Ed) (2001). Trauma and dreams. Harvard University Press.
  • Barth, F. Diane (1997). Daydreaming: Unlock the creative power of your mind. Diane Publishing Company.
  • Baylis, Janice (1977). Dreams, dynamics and decoding: An interpretation manual. Sun, Man, Moon, Inc.
  • Baylis, Janice (2001). Personal dream journal. Sun, Man, Moon, Inc.
  • Baylis, Janice (1997). Sex, symbols, and dreams. Sun, Man, Moon, Inc.
  • Baylis, Janice (1977). Sleep on it! The practical side of dreaming. Sun, Man, Moon Inc.
  • Baylor, George & Deslauriers, Daniel (1987). Le reve: Sa nature, sa fonction. et une methode d’analyse. Presses de l’Universite du Quebec.
  • Bentley, Evie (1999). Awareness: Biorhythms, sleep and dreaming. Routledge.
  • Beaudet, Denyse (2008). Dreamguider: Opening the door to a child’s world of dreams. Hampton Roads.
  • Beaudet, Denyse (1990). Encountering the Monster: Pathways in Children’s Dreams. Continuum Intl Pub Group.
  • Beaudet, Denyse (1991). “The Monster” in Mirrors of the Self edited by Christine Downing. J.P. Tarcher.
  • Benedict, Elizabeth (1989). The beginner’s book of dreams. Bantam Books.
  • Beradt, Charlotte (1985). The Third Reich of dreams: The nightmares of a nation, 1933-1939. Aquarian Press.
  • Berne, Patricia & Savary, Louis (1991). Dream symbol work: Unlocking the energy from dreams and spiritual experiences. Paulist Press.
  • Blagrove, Mark; Pace-Schott, Edward F.; Solms, Mark; Harnad, Stevan (Eds) (2003). Sleep and dreaming: Scientific advances and reconsiderations. Cambridge University Press.
  • Bogzaran, Fariba; Krippner, Stanley; Percia de Carvalho, Andre (2002). Extraordinary dreams and how to work with them. SUNY Press.
  • Bogzaran, F. & Deslauriers, D. (2012). Integral Dreaming: A Holistic Approach to Dreams. State University of New York Press SUNY Press).
  • Bond, Alma; Franco, Daisy; Richards, Arlene Kramer (1992). Dream portrait: A study of nineteen sequential dreams as indicators of pretermination. International Universities Press.
  • Bonime, Walter (1989). Collaborative psychoanalysis: Anxiety, depression, dreams, and personality change. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
  • Bonime, Walter & Bonime, Florence (1982). The clinical use of dreams (Psychoanalysis examined and re-examined). DeCapo Press.
  • Born, Margot (1991). Seven ways to look at a dream. Starrhill Press.
  • Bosnak, Robert (1988). A little course in dreams: A basis of Jungian dreamwork. Shambhala.
  • Bosnak, Robert (1997; Reprint Edition). Christopher’s dreams: Dreaming and living with AIDS. Delta.
  • Bosnak, Robert (1989). Dreaming with an AIDS patient. Shambhala.
  • Bosnak, Robert (1997). Dreaming with an AIDS patient: An intimate look inside the dreams of a gay man with AIDS. Diane Publishing Co.
  • Bosnak, Robert (2007). Embodiment: Creative Imagination in Medicine, Art and Travel . Routledge.
  • Bosnak, Robert (2003). Klein droomcursus. Lemniscaat.
  • Bosnak, Robert (1997). La Practica Del Sonar. Obelisco.
  • Bosnak, Robert (1996). Tracks in the wilderness of dreaming: Exploring interior landscape through practical dreamwork. Delacorte Press.
  • Boss, Medard (1993). I dreamt last night. Taylor & Francis Books Ltd.
  • Bowater, Margaret (1999). Dreams and visions: Language of the spirit. Crossing Press.
  • Bratnick, Raechel (2003). Awakening the Dreamer. Xlibris Corporation.
  • Brien, Dolores E. (Ed) (1992). Dreams, dreamers, and dreaming. Round Table Press.
  • Brink, Nicholas (2002). Grendel and his mother: Healing the trauma of childhood through dreams, imagery and hypnosis. Baywood Publishing Company.
  • Bro, Harmon H. (1985). Dream in the life of prayer and meditation: The approach of Edgar Cayce. Inner Vision Publishing Co.
  • Bro, Harmon (1988). Edgar Cayce on dreams. Warner Books.
  • Broadribb, Donald (1990: Reprint Edition). The dream story. Inner City Books.
  • Brockman, Patricia (2001). The Community Dream: Awaking the Christian Tribal Consciousness. Woven Word Press.
  • Brook, Stephen (Ed) (2003: New Ed Edition). The Oxford book of dreams. Oxford University Press.
  • Brown, Carolyn (1988). Psycho-Sinology: The universe of dreams in Chinese culture. University Press of America.
  • Browne, Sylvia & Harrison, Lindsay (2003). Sylvia Browne’s book of dreams. Signet Book.
  • Bryant, Dorothy (1997; Reprint Edition). The kin of ATA are waiting for you. Random House.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly (2008). American dreamers: What dreams tell us about the political psychology of conservatives, liberals, and everyone else. Beacon Press.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly (Ed) (1996). Among all these dreamers: Essays on dreaming and modern society. SUNY Press.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly (1997). An introduction to the psychology of dreaming. Praeger.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly & Siegel, Alan (1998). Dreamcatching: Every parent’s guide to exploring and understanding children’s dreams and nightmares. Three Rivers Press.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly; Bulkley, Patricia (2005) Dreaming beyond death: A guide to pre-death dreams and visions. Beacon Press.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly (2008). Dreaming in the world’s religions: A comparative history. NYU Press.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly (Ed) (2001). Dreams: A reader on religious, cultural, and psychological dimensions of dreaming. Palgrave.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly (2003). Dreams of healing: Transforming nightmares into visions of hope. Paulist Press.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly (1995). Spiritual dreaming: A cross-cultural and historical journey. Paulist Press.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly (1994). The wilderness of dreams: Exploring the religious meanings of dreams in modern western culture. SUNY Press.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly (2004). The wondering brain Thinking about religion with and beyond cognitive neuroscience. Routledge.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly (2000). Transforming dreams: Learning spiritual lessons from the dreams you never forget. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Bulkeley, Kelly (1999). Visions of the night: Dreams, religion, and psychology. SUNY Press.
  • Burch, Wanda Easter (2003). She who dreams: A journey into healing through dreamwork. New World Library.
  • Burrow, J.A. (1993). Langland’s fictions. Oxford University Press.
  • Bynum, Edward Bruce (1993). Families and the interpretation of dreams: Awakening the intimate web. Haworth Press.
  • Bynum, Edward Bruce (1984). The family unconscious: An invisible bond. Theosophical Publ House.
  • Caligor, Leopold & May, Rollo (1968). Dreams and symbols: Man’s unconscious language. Basic Books.
  • Campbell, Jean (1980). Dreams beyond dreaming. The Donning Co.
  • Campbell, Jean (2006). Group dreaming: Dreaming to the tenth power. Wordminder Press.
  • Campbell, Joseph (Ed) (1988). Myths, dreams and religion. Spring Audio & Journal.
  • Cannegieter, C.A. (1986). Around the dream world. Vantage Press Inc.
  • Caprio Betsy & Hedberg, Thomas M. (1988). At a dream workshop. Paulist Press.
  • Cardena, Etzel; Krippner, Stanley; Lynn, Steven Jay (2000). Varieties of anomalous experience: Examining the scientific evidence. American Psychological Association.
  • Carskadon, Mary (Ed) (1993). Encyclopedia of sleep and dreaming. Gale Group.
  • Cartwright, Rosalind & Lamberg, Lynne (2001). Crisis dreaming: Using your dreams to solve your problems. ASJA Press.
  • Cartwright, Rosalind (1977). Night life: Explorations in dreaming. Prentice-Hall.
  • Castaneda, Carlos (1994: Reprint Edition). The art of dreaming. Rayo.
  • Catalano, Stephen (1990). Children’s dreams in clinical practice. Plenum Publishing Corp.
  • Chalquist, Craig (2007). Terrapsychology: Reengaging the soul of place. Spring Journal Books.
  • Chapman, Joyce & Gunther Ph.D., Bernard (2002: 2nd Edition). Live your dream: Discover and achieve your life purpose. New Page Books.
  • Chocolate, Deborah M. Newton; Boies, Laex; Boies, Alex (1996). Imani in the belly. Bridgewater Books.
  • Clark, Laurel; Blosser, Paul (Eds) (2001). Interpreting dreams for self-discovery. SOM Publishing.
  • Clark, Laurel (2012). Intuitive Dreaming. SOM Publishing.
  • Clift, Jean D. & Clift, Wallace B. (1986). Symbols of transformation in dreams.
  • Crossroads Publ Co.
  • Clift, Jean D. & Clift, Wallace B. (1991: Reprint Edition). The hero journey in dreams.
  • Crossroads Publ Co.
  • Cohen, David B. (1981). Sleep and dreaming: Origins, nature and functions. Pergamon Press.
  • Collins, Bonnie J.; Marsh, Kathryn (1998). Healing for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Whole Person Associates.
  • Collins, Bonnie J.; Laughlin, Trina M. (2004). The Power Of Story: A Process Of Renewal For Therapists Who Treat Trauma. Whole Person Associates.
  • Colton, Ann R. (1973). Watch your dreams. ARC Publishing Company.
  • Constable, G. (Ed) (1990). Dreams and dreaming. Time-Life Books.
  • Covitz, Joel (1990). Visions of the night: A study of Jewish dream interpretation. Shambhala.
  • Coxhead, David & Hiller, Susan (1989: Reissue Edition). Dreams: Visions of the night. Thames & Hudson.
  • Craig, E. (Ed) (1988). Psychotherapy & freedom: The daseinanalytic way in psychology and psychoanalysis. Special issue of the Humanistic Psychologist.
  • Crisp, Tony (2002: 10th Anniv Edition). Dream dictionary: An A to Z guide to understanding your unconscious mind. Dell.
  • Cunningham, Scott (1992). Sacred sleep: Dreams and the divine. Crossing Press.
  • Cushway, Delia & Sewell, Robyn (1993). Counseling with dreams and nightmares. Sage Publications.
  • Cynaumon, Greg (2002). God still speaks through Dreams: Are you missing his messages? Nelson Books.
  • Dalai Lama. Varela, Francisco J. (Ed), Wallace, B. Alan, Jinpa, Thupten (Translators) (1997). Sleeping, dreaming, and dying: An exploration of consciousness. Wisdom Publications.
  • Dalfen, Layne (2002). Dreams do come true: Decoding your dreams to discover your full potential. Adams Media Corporation.
  • Davis-Grant, Mary Jo (2006). Dream Power: Can Our Dreams Make Us Well? Sterling House Books.
  • de Beer, Charles M. (1990). Dreams: Allegorical stories of mystic import. C.M. de Beer.
  • DeCicco, T.L. (2009). The Giant Compass: Navigating Your Life With Your Dreams. North Carolina: Malito Press.
  • de Saint-Denys, Hervey & Schatzman, Morton (Eds) (1982). Dreams and how to guide them. Duckworth Publ.
  • Delaney, Gayle (1998). All about dreams: Everything you need to know about where they come from, what they mean, and how to put them to work for you. Harper San Francisco.
  • Delaney, Gayle (1996; Audio) Breakthrough Dreaming: How to Tap the Power of Your 24-Hour Mind. Nightingale-Conant.
  • Delaney, Gayle (1991). Breakthrough dreaming: How to tap the power of your 24 hour mind. Bantam Books.
  • Delaney, Gayle (1994). El mensaje de los sueños sexuales. Robin Book.
  • Delaney, Gayle (1997). In your dreams: Falling, flying, and other dream themes: A new kind of dream dictionary. HarperSanFrancisco.
  • Delaney, Gayle (1997). Las Cartas de Los Suenos. Robin Book.
  • Delaney, Gayle (1996; Revised Edition). Living your dreams: The classic best seller on becoming your own dream expert. Harper San Francisco.
  • Delaney, Gayle (1988; Revised Edition). Living your dreams: Using sleep to solve problems and enrich your life. HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Delaney, Gayle (Ed) (1993). New directions in dream interpretation. SUNY Press.
  • Delaney, Gayle (1995). Sensual dreaming: How to understand and interpret the erotic content of your dreams. Ballantine Books.
  • Delaney, Gayle (1994). Sexual dreams: Why we have them, what they mean. Fawcett Books.
  • Delaney, Gayle (1995). The dream kit: An all-in-one toolkit for understanding your dreams. HarperSanFrancisco. [Book, Tape, Cards]
  • Delaney, Gayle (2006). TYour Sleeping Genius: Harnessing the Hidden Power of Your Dreams (Your Coach in a Box). Hatchett Audio Coach Series [Audio Book]
  • DeLong, George (1991). Awakening to your dreams: A dreamer’s handbook. New World Press.
  • Dement, William (2000). The promise of sleep. Dell.
  • Deslauriers, Daniel (1987). Le reve: Sa nature, sa fonction. et une methode d’analyse. Presses de l’Universite du Quebec.
  • Devereux, George (1975). Dreams in Greek tragedy: An ethno-psycho-analytical study. University of California Press.
  • Dillard, Joseph; Krippner, Stanley(1987). Dreamworking: How to use your dreams for creative problem solving. Bearly.
  • Dombeck, Mary T.B. (1991). Dreams and Professional Personhood: The Contexts of Dream Telling and Dream Interpretation Among American Psychotherapists (Dream Studies). SUNY Press.
  • Domhoff, G. William (1996). Finding meaning in dreams: A quantitative approach. Plenum Publishing Corporation.
  • Domhoff, G. William (1990: Reprint Edition). The mystique of dreams. University of California Press.
  • Domhoff, G. William (2002). The scientific study of dreams: Neural networks, cognitive development, and content analysis. American Psychological Association.
  • Douglas, Ray (1999). Dreams and the inner self. Sterling Publishing.
  • Duesbury, Evelyn (2010) The counselor’s guide for gacilitating the interpretation of dreams: Family and other relationship systems perspectives. NY: Routledge.
  • Duesbury, Evelyn (2007) Living dreams, living life: A practical guide to understanding your dreams and how they can change your waking life. Trafford Publishing.
  • Dunne, J.W. (2001). An experiment with time. Hampton Roads Publishing Company.
  • Eberwein, Robert (1985). Film & the dream screen: A sleep and a forgetting. Princeton University Press.
  • Edel, Leon (1982). Stuff of sleep and dreams: Experiments in literary psychology. HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Ellman, Steven J. & Antrobus, John S. (Eds) (1991: 2nd Edition). The mind in sleep: Psychology and psychophysiology. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Emery, Marcia (1994). Dr. Marcia Emery’s intuition workbook: An expert’s guide to unlocking the wisdom of your subconscious mind. Prentice Hall Press.
  • Emery, Marcia (2001). Powerhunch: Living an intuitive life. Beyond Words Publishing.
  • Emery, Marcia (2000). The intuitive healer: Accessing your inner physician. St. Martin’s Press.
  • Epel, Naomi (1994). Writers Dreaming: 26 Writers Talk About Their Dreams and the Creative Process. Vintage Books USA.
  • Evans, Christopher; Evans, Peter (1983). Landscapes of the night: How and why we dream. Pearson Ptr.
  • Evans, Maeve and Parker, Jennifer (2000). Get a grip on dreams. Time Life Books.
  • Faraday, Ann (1994: Reissue Edition). Dream power. Berkeley Publishing Group.
  • Faraday, Ann (1990: Reissue Edition). The dream game. HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Feinstein, David; Krippner, Stanley (1989). Personal mythology: The psychology of your evolving self: Using ritual, dreams, and imagination to discover your inner story. J. P. Tarcher.
  • Flanagan, Owen J. (2001). Dreaming souls: Sleep, dreams, and the evolution of the conscious mind. Oxford University Press.
  • Flanders, Sara (Ed) (1993). The dream discourse today. Routledge.
  • Fogarty, Brandey (2006) The door opener, archetypal dreams.
  • Fontana, David (1994). The secret language of dreams. Chronicle Books.
  • Fosshage, James C. & Lowe, Clemens, A. (1987: Revised Spiral Edition). Dream interpretation: A comparative study. SP Medical & Scientific Books.
  • Foucault, Michel & Binswanger, Ludwig; Hoeller, Keith (Ed) (1993). Dreams and existence. Studies in existential psychology & psychiatry. Humanities Press Intl, Inc.
  • Foulkes, David (1978). A grammar of dreams. Basic Books.
  • Foulkes, David (1982). Children’s dreams: Longitudinal studies. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Foulkes, David (1985). Dreaming: A cognitive-psychological analysis. Lawrence
  • Erlbaum Associates Inc.
  • French, Thomas & Fromm, Erica (1986: Reprint Edition). Dream interpretation. International Universities Press.
  • Freud, Sigmund (1990: Reissue Edition). On dreams. W.W. Norton & Co.
  • Freud, Sigmund (1980: Reissue Edition). The interpretation of dreams. Avon Books.
  • Frieden, Ken (1990). Freud’s dream of interpretation. SUNY Press.
  • Fromm, Erich (1976). The forgotten language: An introduction to the understanding of dreams, fairy tales, and myths. Henry Holt & Co.
  • Frost, William P. (1991). Frontiers in brain and dream research. Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Gackenbach, Jayne & LaBerge, S. L. (Eds) (1988). Conscious mind, sleeping brain: Perspectives on lucid dreaming. Plenum Publishing.
  • Gackenbach, Jayne & Bosveld, Jane (1994: Reprint Edition). Control your dreams: How dreams can help you uncover your hidden desires and confront your hidden fears. HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Gackenbach, Jayne (1989) Control Your Dreams: How Lucid Dreaming Can Help You Uncover Your Hidden Desires, Confront Your Hidden Fears, and Explore the Frontiersof Human Consciousness. HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Gackenbach, Jayne & Sheikl, Anees (Eds) (1991). Dream images: A call to mental arms. Baywood Publishing Co.
  • Gackenbach, Jayne (Ed) (1987). Sleep and dreams: A sourcebook. Garland Publ.
  • Garfield, Patricia (1995; Updated Edition). Creative dreaming: Plan and control your dreams To develop creativity, overcome fears, solve problems, and create a better self. Fireside.
  • Garfield, Patricia (2003). Dream catcher: A young person’s journal for exploring dreams. Tundra Books.
  • Garfield, Patricia (2001). El poder curativo de los sueños. Robin Book.
  • Garfield, Patricia (1999). La CrÃ(c)ativitÃ(c) onirique. Du rêve ordinaire au rêve lucide. J’ai lu.
  • Garfield, Patricia (2007). Mourning Dove: Dream Poems. Numina Books.
  • Garfield, Patricia (1990: Reprint Edition). Pathway to ecstasy: The way of the dream mandala. Fireside Books.
  • Garfield, Patricia (2002). The dream book: A young person’s guide to understanding dreams. Tundra Books.
  • Garfield, Patricia (1997). The dream messenger: How dreams of the departed bring healing gifts. Simon & Schuster.
  • Garfield, Patricia (1993; Reprint Edition). The healing power of dreams. Simon & Schuster.
  • Garfield, Patricia (2001). The universal dream key: The 12 most common dream themes around the world. Perennial.
  • Garfield, Patricia (1991: Reprint Edition). Women’s bodies. Women’s dreams. Ballantine Books.
  • Garfield, Patricia (1984; Reprint Edition). Your child’s dreams. Ballantine Books.
  • Garfield, Patricia. Many of Dr. Garfield’s titles are available in other languages. Visit her international page at
  • Garrard, Ana Lora (1993). An invitation to dream: Tap the resources of inner wisdom. Llewellyn Pubns.
  • Gassmann, Christoph (2002). Ricordare i sogni – Istruzioni per l’uso. Edizioni Scientifiche Magi.
  • Gassmann, Christoph (2004; Italian Edition). Träume erinnern und deuten. Patmos Paperback.
  • Gebelein, Robert (1985). Re-educating myself: An introduction to a new civilization. Omega Press.
  • Gebelein, Robert (2006). The mental environment.
  • Gendlin, Eugene T. (1985). Let your body interpret your dreams. Chiron Publications.
  • Geroni, Carla. (2004). Night Journeys: The power of dreams in transatlantic Quaker Culture. University of Virginia Press.
  • Globus, Gordon (1987). Dream life, wake life: The human condition through dreams. SUNY Press.
  • Glouberman, Dina (1989). Life choices and life changes through imagework. HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Glucksman M. D., Myron L. & Warner M.D., Silas. L. (1987). Dreams in new perspective: The royal road revisited. Human Sciences Press.
  • Gollnick, James (1988). Dreams in the psychology of religion (Studies in the psychology of religion, Vol. 1). Mellifont.
  • Gongloff, Robert P. (2006). Dream exploration: A new approach. Llewellyn Worldwide.
  • Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene (1989: Reprint Edition). Dreams and what they mean to you. Llewellyn Publications.
  • Gordon, David. (2006). Mindful dreaming: A practical guide for emotional healing through transformative mythic journeys. New Page Books.
  • Gottschalk, Louis (1975: 3rd Edition). How to understand and analyze your own dreams. Art Reproductions.
  • Grace, Laura V. (2020). Dreams: Soul-Centered Living in the 21st Century. Aeon Books
  • Graff, Dale (2000). Tracks in the psychic wilderness. Element Books, Inc.
  • Graff, Dale (2000). River dreams. Houghton Mifflin.
  • Gratton, Nicole (1999). Découvrez votre mission personnelle,Éditions Un monde différent.
  • Gratton, Nicole (2002). Dormire bene, Édizioni San Paolo (Italy).
  • Gratton, Nicole (1994). L’Art de rêver ,Éditions J’ai Lu.
  • Gratton, Nicole (2004). L’arte di sognare. Édizioni Amrita.
  • Gratton, Nicole (2000). La découverte par le rêve, Éditions Un monde différent.
  • Gratton, Nicole (2000). Le sommeil idéal, Éditions Un monde différent.
  • Gratton, Nicole (2000). Les rêves d’amour,Éditions Un monde différent.
  • Gratton, Nicole (1998). Les rêves, messagers de la nuit, Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Gratton, Nicole (2000). Mon enfant fait des cauchemars,Éditions Alexandre Stanké.
  • Gratton, Nicole (1999). Mon journal de rêves, Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Gratton, Nicole (1995). Rêves et Complices, Éditions Alexandre Stanké.
  • Gratton, Nicole (2004). Vos r?ves d’amour. Editions Dangles.
  • Green, Celia & McCreery, Charles (1995). Lucid dreaming: The paradox of consciousness during sleep. Routledge.
  • Greenberg, Sindy; Kroll, Elyse; Grill, Hillary (2002). Dreaming for two: The hidden emotional life of expectant mothers. Plume Books.
  • Grubbs, Geri (2004). Bereavement dreaming and the individuating soul. Nicholas-Hays Inc.
  • Guiley, Rosemary Ellen (2001). Dreamspeak: How to understand the messages in your dreams. Berkley Publishing Group.
  • Guiley, Rosemary Ellen (1998). Dreamwork for the soul: A spiritual guide to dream interpretation. Berkeley Publishing Group.
  • Guiley, Rosemary Ellen (1995: Reissue Edition). The encyclopedia of dreams: Symbols & interpretations. Berkley Publishing Group.
  • Guiley Rosemary Ellen; Martin, Sheryl (2005). The Tao of dreaming: A holistic approach to dreams, health, and healing. Berkley Trade.
  • Haden, Robert (2010). Unopened Letters from God: Using Biblical Dreams to Unlock your Nightly Dreams. Haden Institute: FlatRock, NC
  • Hagood, Louis (2002). Midlife at the oasis: Dreaming in the second half of life. Oxbridge Communications Inc.
  • Hall, Anita D. (2003). The stars at night: Successfully creative people finding self-awareness through dream work. Xlibris Corporation.
  • Hall, Calvin & Van de Castle, Robert (1966). The content analysis of dreams. Appleton-Century-Crofts.
  • Hall, Calvin & Nordby, Vernon (1977). The individual and his dreams. New American Library.
  • Hall, Calvin (1966). The meaning of dreams. McGraw-Hill.
  • Hall, James A. (1983). Jungian dream interpretation: A handbook of theory and practice. Inner City Books.
  • Hall, James A. (1993). The unconscious Christian: Images of God in dreams. Paulist Press.
  • Halpern, Leslie (2003). Dreams on film: The cinematic struggle between art and science. McFarland & Company.
  • Hamel, J. (2021). Art therapy, Dreams and Healing. Beyond the Looking Glass. London and New York: Routledge. With a Foreword from Robert Waggonner
  • Hamel, J. (2022). Dreams and Nightmares in art therapy. The Dream of the Jaguar. London and New York: Routledge. With a Foreword from Laurel Fuller Clark.
  • Hamel, J. (2022). Somatic art therapy. Alleviating Pain and Trauma through Art. London and New York: Routledge. 
  • Hamon, Jane & Sheets, Dutch (2000). Dreams and visions: Understanding your dreams and how God can use them to speak to you today. Regal Books.
  • Harary, Keith & Weintraub, Pamela (1999; 2nd Edition). Lucid dreams in thirty days: The creative sleep program. St. Martin’s Press.
  • Harthan, Joan (2005) Working the Nightshift, How to Understand Your Dreams. Createspace/Amazon
  • Harthan, Joan (2011) Dreaming Yourself Aware. Universe of Learning publication.
  • Harthan, Joan (2013) Working With Dreams. Createspace/Amazon
  • Hart, Joseph; Corriere, Richard; Karle, Werner; Woldenberg, Lee (1980). Dreaming and waking: The functional approach to using dreams. Peace Press.
  • Hartmann, Ernest (1991). Boundaries in the mind. HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Hartmann, Ernest (1993; Reissue Edition). Boundaries in the mind: A new psychology of personality. Basic Books.
  • Hartmann, Ernest (1994). Dreaming: Journal of the Association for the Study of Dreams. Human Sciences Press.
  • Hartmann, Ernest (1998). Dreams and nightmares: The new theory on the origin and meaning of dreams. Plenum Press.
  • Hartmann, Ernest (2000). Dreams and nightmares: The origin and meaning of dreams. Perseus Publishing.
  • Hartmann, Ernest (Ed) (1970). Sleep and dreaming. Little Brown.
  • Hartmann, Ernest (1967). The biology of dreaming. Charles C. Thomas Pub. Ltd.
  • Hartmann, Ernest (1974). The functions of sleep. Yale University Press.
  • Hartmann, Ernest (1987; Reprint Edition). The nightmare: The psychology and biology of terrifying dreams. Basic Books.
  • Hartmann, Ernest (1987). The Sleep Book: Understanding and Preventing Sleep Problems in People over 50. HarperCollins College Div.
  • Hartmann, Ernest (1978). The Sleeping Pill. Yale University Press.
  • Haskell, Robert E. (Ed) (1986). Cognition and dream research. Institute of Mind and Behavior.
  • Hazarika, Anjali (1998). Daring to dream: Cultivating corporate creativity through dreamwork. Sage Publications. New Delhi, London, Thousand Oaks .
  • Hendricks, Lois Lindsey (1989). Discovering my Biblical dream heritage. Resource Publications, Inc.
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