Since IASD began in the early 1980s, it has provided a home for dreams: for researchers exploring the nature of sleep and dreaming, for psychotherapists working to learn more about the dreams in order to work with clients, and for a wide variety of people from many countries and walks of life who are dreamers. All of these people see the dream as a valuable path toward self-understanding and toward exploring a complex universe.
November 2024
Dreamers work together in IASD! We are a community as well as a nonprofit organization. In the current economy IASD needs your help more than ever before. Wouldn’t you like to support the world’s premier dream organization, providing increased benefits, more knowledge and more community for dreamers?
Were you aware that almost 100 percent of the dream-inspiring awards given by IASD each year, such as Research Grants, Dream Art Awards, Student Awards and conference scholarships are provided by generous IASD members and their friends during our annual Pledge Drive?
This year we’re doubling our financial goal to $20,000 for our annual Pledge Drive, which begins in November. And with your donations, we will reach that goal and more. IASD needs your financial help as well as your dreams for the future. You are integral to providing assistance so that we can all dream. Does IASD help you to earn financial support as a dream practitioner? Do you gain from IASD’s wealth of knowledge? We hope that, if IASD provides help or finances in your life, that you will give back generously during this year’s Pledge Drive.
The 2024 Pledge Drive will run from mid-November 2024 through the end of January, 2025. Our hope is to raise at least $20,000. We encourage you to donate if you can to provide support for all dreamers.
Thank you so much!
Jean Campbell, for the IASD Pledge Drive
IASD is a 501(c)3 US Nonprofit Organization
Donations may be tax deductible.
We set the goal at $20,000 for this annual eventCouponBirds
The programs which IASD provides through your donations are the heart of the organization. Six donation categories are offered for your funding preference: Dream Research, Dream Education, Outreach to Dreamers, Dream Arts, IASD Diversity, and General Operations.
Dream Research:
This category includes the Dream Science Foundation Research Grants, which encourage new research in the field of dream study.
Dream Education:
In addition to funding the Rev. Jeremy Taylor Memorial Education Fund which provides conference and educational scholarships, these education donations offer course development funding for such programs as the Dream Study Groups Program, programs for young people, and the development of other new online programs.
Outreach to Dreamers:
Through our outreach programs we offer low-income and student memberships as well as partial conference scholarships, to those in financial need. The Ernest Hartmann Student Research Award is one primary means by which IASD offers annual awards to encourage participation from young dreamers..
Dream Arts:
The IASD Art Awards are designed to promote and fund the juried Dream Art Exhibition at IASD’s annual conference and to encourage the development of dreamers in all areas of the visual arts.
IASD Diversity:
This category supports IASD’s pledge to grow an intentional inclusive process for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) with expertise or interest in dreams, expand the ethnic diversity of the IASD and increase the ethnic diversity of invited speakers at future conferences. It also supports programs such as Diversity training for the IASD Board and Staff, DEI dream research grants, BIPOC conference scholarships, and Culture-Keeper memberships. Click here for the Dreams and Ethnicity portal.
General Operations:
Categories of funding such as Staff and Board Development Programs and supplemental programs, as well as upgrades in web-related services are funded by this important area of donations.
Please Note: If your donation preferences are not reflected by the above choices, a category labeled “other,” with a dialog box is also available for your use on the Pledge/Donation form.
Disclaimer: IASD invites you to state your preferences for your donated funds by selecting one or more of the donation categories listed above. Your guidance will help us to direct the funds which we base on donor preferences as well as the most urgent need.