Nightmares and what you can do about them
Nightmares are very common following a traumatic event. Whether they picture the traumatic event directly, or involve other images and themes, or both, they probably reflect a normal healing process, and will diminish in frequency and intensity if recovery is progressing. If after several weeks no change is noted, consultation with a therapist is advisable.
IASD is offering a selection of articles that are helpful both for adults having nightmares and for parents with children having nightmares. Please read the general Nightmare FAQ first.
Recommended Reading on Nightmares
Nightmare FAQ – Read me first
Guidelines for coping with Nightmares after Trauma. Patricia Garfield, Ph.D.
Article: Nightmare Remedies: Helping Your Children Tame The Demons of the Night. Alan Siegel, Ph.D. and Kelly Bulkeley, Ph. D.
Article: Nightmares and What to Do About Them. Patricia Garfield, Ph.D. PDF
Article: Nightmares? Bad Dreams? Lucky You! D.R.E.A.M.S. Foundation
Advanced & Extended Studies on Nightmares
A Mini-Course for Clinicians and Trauma Workers on Posttraumatic Nightmares. Alan Siegel, Ph.D.
Article: The Relationship of Dream Content and Changes in Daytime Mood in Traumatized Vs. Non-Traumatized Children Raija-Leena Punamäki
Article: Overcoming Nightmares. Stephen LaBerge and Howard. Rheingold
Article: Dream Work & Collective Trauma – Unconscious Elements In Public Debate. Jeremy Taylor
Article: Working with Your Nightmares. Strephon Kaplan-Williams
What does a real Nightmare Research lab actually research? See the Tore Nielsen laboratory at the hospital du Sacre-Coeur at the University of Montreal Center for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine CARSM