IASD Sexual Harassment Policy

IASD works to promote a safe environment that is free from any type of harassment or abuse. IASD does not condone discrimination based on sex, race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, culture, national origin, religion or spiritual beliefs, ability/disability, language, political ideology, or socioeconomic status, and seeks an environment free from sexual harassment and abuse of power.

Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that makes a person feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated. Sexual harassment can involve one or more incidents, and actions constituting harassment may be physical, verbal and/or nonverbal.

IASD recognizes that sexual harassment may be, but is not limited to, a manifestation of a power differential which often occurs within unequal relationships. Abuse of power is when a person takes advantage of their position to make unwanted advances or inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature toward others.

IASD will not tolerate sexual harassment or abuse of power.

The process for filing a complaint is as follows:

Anyone who is subject to sexual harassment should, if possible, inform the alleged harasser that the conduct is unwanted and unwelcome. If an individual member experiences sexual harassment and believes that an informal solution is unlikely, they should report the incident to the IASD Ethics Chair, Kimberly Mascaro (kmascarophd@gmail.com).

IASD is committed to investigating all complaints in a timely manner and taking all warranted corrective action. If IASD finds that its policy has been violated, it will take corrective and remedial action, up to and including terminating membership of the offending member.

IASD will take the necessary steps to protect from retaliation those individuals who, in good faith, report incidents of potential sexual harassment. It is a violation of both federal and state law and this policy to retaliate against someone who has reported possible sexual harassment.

Any reports of sexual harassment will be treated seriously and promptly with sensitivity.