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PsiberDreaming Conference 2016 News

2016 IASD Conference Wrap Up

2017 IASD Annual International Conference in Anaheim, CA: 

Venue and Dates Announced

Call for Presentations

IASD’s First Online Dream Research Conference

Call for 2016 Research Grant Proposals

Regional News You Can Use


Welcome Address from Our New IASD President

Members Around The World

Members in the Media

Hot off the Press

Kid Lucid

June & July Membership Total: 61

IASD Office

Linda H. Mastrangelo, Editor
Janet Garrett, Copy Editor
Laura Atkinson, Design and Layout
Richard Wilkerson, IASD Office Manager
Jean Campbell, Executive Committee Advisor
Robert P. Gongloff, Editorial Consultant

Presidential Address from Laurel Clark

It is a great honor to speak to you as the new president of IASD.   

I joined IASD in 2008 and attended my first conference in Montreal.  From the beginning, I became a volunteer and have continued to volunteer and serve the dream community through participating in this wonderful organization.

Some of you may not know that IASD lives through the support of dedicated people who devote considerable amounts of time and energy to make it work. 

I am always impressed with the generosity, kindness, and humbleness of the members of this organization.  IASD includes some of the world’s greatest experts and pioneers in the world of dreams.  These teachers, authors, scholars, scientists, researchers, artists, therapists and other professionals treat everyone who is a part of this organization as valuable.

And indeed, we are valuable.  The fact that we all dream brings us together.

Where else but at an annual conference can you find neuroscientists, artists, intuitives, scholars, psycho-therapists, clergy, students and everyday dream workers sitting side-by-side, sharing with each other and learning from each other?

Where else can you strengthen your understanding of lucid dreaming, visitations from the other side, and learn how improvisational jazz engages the same brain activity as nighttime dreaming?  Where else can you meet people who have healed cancer and other illnesses through dreams and converse with doctors who are changing the medical community by listening to their patients’ dreams?  Where else can you meet a group of dreamers who intentionally incubate dreams to bring about world peace?

We are a multi-dimensional dream community with so much to learn to enhance our understanding of ourselves and each other.  I believe that as people develop greater self-understanding through their dreams, they become better at harmonizing with other people.

Dreams are a great equalizer.  We all dream and we all have something important to contribute.

I hope that if this resonates with you, you decide to invest yourself to greater degrees so that IASD can fulfill its mission in the world.

In the United States where I live, there seems to be more and more focus on what separates us, what makes us different, and how to resolve conflict that arises from these differences.  I wonder how our world might become more just and peaceful when people recognize that in our common humanity we share this bond of dreaming.

To this end, IASD strives to educate people and spread the word about the nature of dreaming in a number of ways.  This year we are launching the first IASD book, Dreams that Change Our Lives for the purpose of spreading dream knowledge to the world.  I hope that this book encourages the people who read it to share their dreams so that increasingly, people recognize the value of dreams for understanding themselves and others, for healing, and for community.

Also, with the guidance of our new Membership Chair Sherry Puricelli, we are exploring avenues for increasing membership and providing additional benefits for those who become members or renew their membership to IASD.

I would ask everyone here to look for people you know, or people you have yet to meet, to let them know about IASD and invite them to become members.  If each one of us brings in just one new member, we will double our numbers.

That means more people to share and learn with and greater resources so that we can continue to thrive.  You might consider giving an IASD membership as a gift.

This morning I remembered a long, involved dream.  I would like to share part of it with you because it seems significant:

I am giving a lecture in a large hall.  It appears to be a college because the audience is mostly young people.  One young man comes up to me, saying respectfully and firmly,

“Can you say what you are going to say and then give us [the audience] time to talk?”

I say okay, that it is good to talk because you get questions and it helps you to think things through. 

This dream fits with the message I want to impart to you today.

I encourage and empower you to invest yourself in this organization.  Whether you volunteer your time in a committee, contribute money so we can continue to provide awards and scholarships, make a commitment to bring in new members, write articles for our publication DreamTime, or find other ways to participate, the IASD is as strong as its people.

Sometimes it seems that a well-established organization doesn’t need anyone or anything new, but believe me, the influx of new people, new ideas, and new energy is most welcomed.

Thank you again for the opportunity to serve you as president of IASD.


The International Remote Viewing Association conference will be held in New Orleans, LA from September 23- 25, 2016. IASD Member Dale E. Graff, one of the directors of the IRVA will be presenting on precognition/retrocausal dreams: “Tomorrow’s News Today: Can Information Flow Backwards in time to Affect us Now?” This presentation is a variation of the one he gave at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in San Diego, CA, to their Quantum Retrocasuation III Symposium.

The publicity representative with IRVA, Michelle Freed-Belgatz is offering a discount for IASD members. You may contact Michelle is at For more information please visit


Linda Mastrangelo is proud to announce that she is now Good Therapy’s Expert Contributor for both Dreamwork and Grief, Loss and Bereavement. Good Therapy is an international association that supports efforts to reduce harm in therapy and is ranked as one of the top therapist directories on the Internet. Linda was chosen to be part of a team of therapists who bring their expertise in various mental health topics to the public. The International Association for the Study of Dreams is cited as their number one resource for Dreams.

Here is the link to read her Good Therapy articles>>>

In this issue of Hot Off the Press we will be focusing on a very hot topic right now; political dreams. The intention of this column is to publish links to evidence-based scientific articles on the study of dreams that are written for a non-research audience.


A strange political campaign has produced some equally strange dreams. The strangest by far have revolved around the real estate developer Donald Trump, the Republican party’s presumptive nominee for President. These dreams reflect the intense emotional reactions, positive and negative, that Trump generates in a variety of people.



The Australian journalist satirizes waking life international political reality as a “crazy dream” that she cannot wake up from.




Pratt Bennet
Stephanie Brown
Parker Chehak
Marilyn Kleist
Amy Lloyd
Rubin Naiman
Juan Obligado
Luis Pereira
Helge Salvesen
Carmen Sorrenti
Anna Sery
Waheeda Tehseen
Marie Noelle Urech


Frank Ancona
Renee Beck
Richard Bonk
Lisa - Madelle Bottomley
Larry Burk
Dawn Chalker
Deborah Coupey
Cathy Dempsey
G. Domhoff
Robert Haden
Haden Institute
Paul Hartsuyker
Susanne Doell-Hentschker
Jodine Grundy
Julie Hoyle
Patricia Kilroe
Winifred Lum
Denise Luther
Mary Fuller McGee
Marja Moors
Michael Olsen
Bill Pezick
Neil Powell
Laura Prickett
Victoria Rabinowe
Sanford Rosenberg
Jean Taczak
Jay Vinton
Ted Jones
Robert King
Machiel Klerk
Curtis McClive
Don Middendorf
Harry Moody
Peter Nagels
Susan Santo
Shanee Stepakoff
Charles Stewart
Walter Stover
Jeanne Van Bronkhorst
Johanna Vedral
Janet Wahl
Megumi Yama

• Tuning In to the Frequency: New IASD Members Receive this Conference Free

• It's time to begin our annual trek toward PsiberDreaming.

• Registration for the September 25 to October 9 conference is now open, as is Art Gallery submission.

For Registration go to:

And remember to tell your friends that between August 1, 2016 and the end of the conference all NEW IASD MEMBERS RECEIVE THIS CONFERENCE FREE AS A BONUS FOR MEMBERSHIP!

When we turn down our noisy thoughts and slip into dreams, do we tune in to another frequency? Can we then match wavelengths with those of others, sense subtle vibrations of things, pick up on signals from far away? Can we learn to turn to the frequency of our choice? What do we learn by attuning to frequently repeating patterns of symbols in our dreams? As our eyes make color from frequencies of light and our ears find music in patterns of sound, do our dreams tune in to frequencies of reception and connection, insight and delight?

PsiberDreaming 2016 is IASD's 15th annual PsiberDreaming Conference.

With "Tuning In To the Frequency", we will tune in to dreams. This is an old fashioned conference: two weeks of fun online, all the time 24/7, with global participation. Because participants can tune in at any time, there are no "real-time" video presentations or activities aside from occasional chats. We use a php discussion board.

Along with two new presentations to read and discuss each day of the conference, PsiberDreaming includes other treats for you to enjoy: The PsiberDreaming Art Gallery (open to all dreamers), A Place for Dreams, Contests and Games to test your psi abilities, and the ever-popular Outer Inn. Come and join us for some fun.

Call for Artists for the 2016 PsiberDreaming Online Gallery

IASD PsiberDreaming Gallery Team

This year’s PsiberDreaming Conference theme is “Tuning in to the Frequency”. We’ll tune in to the sights and sounds in symbols and messages that reach out to us in our dreams. We could consider the rhythm of dream cycles, the repetition of dream scenes, or the possibility that we are on the same wavelength in a mutual dream. With the myriad of daily influences upon our minds, can we block out the noise, and select the right frequency to understand or enhance our dream’s meaning? Artwork can also refine and bring clarity to a dream message. Do you have artwork that you would like to share this year in the IASD PsiberDreaming Online Gallery that resonates with the conference theme?

The PsiberDreaming Art Gallery is looking for your creative submission. Whether you are a professional artist or non-artist, the online gallery provides an additional avenue of expression, taking viewers along on a visual journey as you tell the dream. We appreciate each submission to the gallery, and are inspired by the artwork and the dream story. We hope that this gallery will serve first and foremost as a place where dreamers of all levels of artistic ability are encouraged to display artwork based on their dreams. We value the authenticity of the connection between the original dream and the work that follows it. We look forward to your entry as we consider “Tuning in to the Frequency.”

Eligibility: Your original work in any medium inspired by and depicting dreams. Acceptable submissions include paintings, drawings, journal sketches, digital artwork, photography, doodles, cartoons, poetry, crafts, textiles, sculpture, poetry, music and animation. Only PsiberDreaming conference attendees’ gallery entries will be accepted, so that artists and other conference members have greater opportunity to connect and discuss the gallery. Your entry must be accompanied by text that tells your dream. Due to time constraints, we limit art gallery submissions to one work per artist.

Images and text will be displayed in an online dream journal format. Please submit your entry using the online form with the exact dimensions of 8″x10″ and at least 150 dpi. Children under the age of 18 must have parental permission and signature to be included.

How to submit: The deadline for submissions is Midnight EDT, Sunday, September 11.  All submissions must be made online using this form >>>  Please send questions to the art gallery team:


Bob Hoss, Conference Advisory Committee Chair

What a wonderful conference we held this year at the Rolduc Abbey and conference center in Kerkrade, the Netherlands. We had over 350 attendees from 30 countries and 160 presenters. Everyone loved having a conference in a 12th century abbey surrounded by a cloister filled with dream art.

IASD would like to thank the many volunteers who worked to make this conference possible, particularly the Dutch team and the co-chairs Barbara Koning and Willem Fermont as well as the core members of the Conference Advisory Committee and its chair Bob Hoss.

Visit the 2016 Conference web site for further information

Board Nomination Results

Laurel Clark, President and former Nominating Committee Chair

The IASD Nominating Committee presented a slate of seven candidates to the membership for election to the Board: Susannah Benson, Louis Hagood, Curt Hoffman, Ed Kellogg, Sherry Puricelli, Katja Valli, and Susanne van Doorn.

The nominees elected by the members were: Susannah Benson, Ed Kellogg, Sherry Puricelli, Katja Valli, and Susanne van Doorn.

The new member-elected directors assumed their positions at the first summer board meeting held June 24.

The members coming off the board are Ryan Hurd and Janet Garrett. We appreciate their service!

The new officers for 2016-2017 are: Board Chair, Scott Sparrow; President, Laurel Clark; Vice President, Melinda Ziemer; Secretary, Joy Fatooh; and Treasurer, Robert Waggoner.

Our thanks to the membership for participating in this year's board vote.

Awards Presented to Two Outstanding Student Papers

Curtiss Hoffman, Student Awards Committee Chair

The Student Research Awards Committee consists of six members: Deirdre Barrett, Ann Bengtsson, Curtiss Hoffman (chair), Tracey Kahan, Jacquie Lewis, and Bernard Welt. It is our task to evaluate submissions each year for the Ernest Hartmann Student Research Awards, and to determine winners and runners-up for this prestigious award in each of the two categories: quantitative and qualitative research.

The committee received twelve papers for consideration this year. We quickly eliminated two of them: one because it had been published previously and the other because it was not really a paper but a paper proposal. We then evaluated the remaining ten papers on the basis of four criteria: coherence, relevance, contribution to the field of dream studies, and originality. Each committee member rated each paper on a Likert scale from 0 (lowest) to 4 (highest). The results were then compiled and averaged for each paper.

The committee was in substantial agreement about the papers, and we have agreed to make awards as follows:

Quantitative Category:
Winner – Remington Mallett, “Objective Measurement of a Cognitive Task during a Lucid Dream”
Runner-up – David Saunders, “Exploring the Role of Need for Cognition, Field Independence, and Locus of Control in the Incidence of Lucid Dreams: A 12 Week Induction Study”

Qualitative Category:
Winner - James Lennon, “Can a Computer Convincingly Simulate a Dream?”
Runner-up – None.

We encourage students who are currently working on creative papers in either quantitative or qualitative dream research to submit them to the 2017 competition.

Juried Dream Art Exhibition

Robert Gongloff, on behalf of the conference art exhibition committee.

Conference attendees were treated to another great art exhibition at Rolduc. The jurors had a difficult time deciding on the “best”, but here are the winners:

First place: Joanne Luijmes (The Netherlands)
Second place: Frans Lagro (The Netherlands)
Third place: Geertje Geertsma (The Netherlands)
Award of Merit: Marjo Boesten (The Netherlands)
Award of Merit: Georges Daemen (Belgium)
Award of Merit: Ivon Drummen (Germany)
Award of Merit: Julie Nauman-Mikulski (USA)
Award of Merit: Ellen Van der Schaaf (The Netherlands)
Peoples’ Choice Award: Myriam Hazelzet (The Netherlands)

You can still see all of the art entries here:

Our thanks to everyone who helped make the show a success.

Dream Ball and Psi Winners

He are some of the highlights and Psi Contest winners announced at the annual Dream Ball.


The Venue The Wyndham Anaheim Garden Grove, 12021 Harbor Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92840. The venue next year is in a perfect location for attendees who want to arrive or stay over a few days to vacation in southern California or visit the exciting attractions nearby. The hotel is 2.2 miles from DisneylandŽ park, 9 miles from Knott’s Berry Farm and 18 miles from the beaches. It is accessible from the LAX international airport or the John Wayne Airport (Orange County). We have negotiated the same discount rate for 3 days before and after the conference for attendees who want to take advantage of the local attractions.

The Conference will feature world-renowned keynote speakers and over 160 presenters from around the globe, an opening reception, a Dream Art Exhibition and reception, the annual PSI Dreaming Contest, and the ever popular costume Dream Ball and other special events appropriate to the enjoyment of the location.


Submission Deadline is December 15, 2016. Online Submissions will open in mid-August.

Submissions: High quality proposals are invited that fall into any of the following tracks: Research and Theory; Clinical Approaches; Dreamwork Practices; Arts and Humanities; Education; Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy; Extraordinary, PSI and Lucid Dreams; Dreams and Health; Culture and History; and Mental Imagery. Submission Categories include: Paper Presentations; Symposia; Panels; Workshops; Special Events; Morning Dream Groups; and Poster Papers.
IASD encourages presenters of all backgrounds to apply and to be sensitive to matters of diversity and disability in their submissions and presentations. All submissions must be made online at


On November 11-13, 2016, the IASD will host the first Online Dream Research Conference, which will feature nine internationally recognized scholars, including Mark Blagrove, William Domhoff, Tracey Kahan, Michael Schredl, Sophie Schwartz, Robert Stickgold, Erin Wamsley, Jennifer Windt, and Antonio Zadra. Facilitated through Zoom videoconferencing, each day will feature three live videoconferenced presentations, question-and-answer sessions following each event, and online discussion forum exchanges.

All presentations will be archived and available to all participants for 30 days following the conference. APA CEs will be awarded for each event, and will be available to each participant without additional cost. Please visit the Conference website at regularly to view updates, and plan to join us for an exciting, leading-edge event in the field of dream studies.


Grants are offered through a partnership between IASD and the DreamScience Foundation (DSF)

Submission Areas
High quality quantitative and qualitative research proposals are invited in areas related to dreams and dreaming, including but not limited to: the biology or neuroscience of dreaming, phenomenological and psychological studies of dreaming, and such fields as anthropological and cultural studies. In addition to the standard Call for Grant Proposals targeted for dream related research, we are pleased to announce an additional joint research grant activity this year in cooperation with ACEP (Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology). This joint activity is interested in studies addressing the application of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for treatment of abuse, trauma or PTSD related nightmares and related quality of sleep factors.

Submission Deadline is October 15, 2016 for your proposal
Submissions are reviewed by a research board and selection is based on our funding limits, plus ratings on each proposal which take into account: value to dream science, design methodology, and various other risk and cost factors related to the success of the proposed study. Awards are typically announced in the December timeframe and include a scholarship to present the results at an upcoming IASD conference.

Go to or to the IASD web site,, and click on the Dream Science Foundation, Call for Research Grants icon, for instructions and a submissions outline. All communication is by email and ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE ELECTRONICALLY SUBMITTED to Go to for instructions and submission forms

Grant Donations
Grant funds come from DSF donations matched by a combination of IASD funds plus individual donations. Our ability to advance dream research is therefore limited by the funds we receive. You can help to advance dream research by going to and clicking on the “Donate to Grant Fund” button. Don’t forget to check the Dream Research and Dream Research Grant Awards option at the bottom of the donation form.

Susannah Benson, past IASD President

Hello Everyone!

What a great annual conference. Rolduc proved itself again as a very popular venue attracting many members from our global network. My thanks to all the regional reps who attended the Regional Luncheon. The conference is always a great opportunity for reps to share news, to build the regional network and to meet up with regional members. Conference photos are available on the IASD website.


IASD is pleased to announce its support for the International Interdisciplinary Conference Dream Gallery to be held on April 21-May 28, 2017 in Moscow. The goal of the conference – which is being organized by the Russian Society of Researchers of Dreams (RSRD) – is to draw attention to the exciting process of dreaming, including research work and the traditional culture of dreams in Russia. Call for papers and presentations will be announced by Oct 3-December 23, 2016.

The Interdisciplinary Research Foundation’s conference: Dreaming Asleep: Dreaming Awake is taking place in Warsaw on October 7/8 2016. IASD Board Director, Dr Massimo Schinco, is a keynote speaker at this event. The conference is an IASD supported event; it aims to spark new conversations about dreams and and their role(s) in cultural, social and personal contexts.

Paper proposals up to 250 words and a brief biographical note should be sent by July 31, 2016 to:

Please check the IASD website for up-to-date names and contact information for the regional representative in your area. The Regional Representative webpage is divided into regions, making your search more user-friendly.

If you do not have a Regional Rep for your area, consider volunteering to become one! You could serve an important networking role for IASD.

We are still looking for a Regional Events Chair.

If you are interested in joining either of these committees and would like to learn more about the role of the committee chair please contact me.

Susannah Benson
IASD President 

Kid Lucid

The IASD Dream-News provides late-breaking news, IASD conference information and links to new articles on the IASD Website. Please forward this IASD Dream-News to interested friends and colleagues so they can also sign up for IASD’s free Dream-News. E-mail Submissions by the first of each month to: IASD Dream-News Editor


The deadline for the IASD Dream-News is the first of each month.
There is no Dream-News published in June 2015.
Submissions by IASD members should be e-mailed to the IASD Dream-News editor.

Please limit your articles to 200 words. The article title should be entirely in capital letters. Any article sub-headings should be in upper and lowercase. Submissions can be submitted in the body of an email message or as an attachment. When sending attachments please include, in the body of the e-mail, your name and an indication that it is an IASD Dream-News item. Acceptable files for attachments are Microsoft Word and Rich Text Format (RTF). E-News articles should be submitted in the following format: Verdana font, 12pt., and black ink. No words should be bolded, underlined, or italicized. Feel free to include photos as attachments. Do not imbed photos or logos in text.

The editor reserves the right to shorten and/or edit articles for clarity and to fit space restrictions.
Articles over 200 words may be heavily edited. IASD reserves the right to accept or reject any article.

IASD members who would like to inform other members of their presentations, lectures, or workshops should submit their names, the titles of the events, the dates, and locations. Please also include either an e-mail address, website, or phone number so that IASD members can contact you for additional information. Submission of book tour dates and lecture series are limited to the following:
individual, contact information, dates, cities, states, or countries.

The IASD Dream-News accepts notices on member media interviews and appearances.
Members should include the IASD member name, the name of the show or publication, the date, and the topic discussed.

IASD holds no responsibility for the content or quality of non-sponsored IASD events
or individual member lectures, presentations, or workshops.

To subscribe to the IASD Dream-News: 

To change your E-mail address: 

Please direct any technical problems to Richard Wilkerson at the IASD office:

IASD Website:
The International Association for the Study of Dreams is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Our purposes are to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information.
About IASD | About Dreams | E-Study Groups | IASD Ethics Policy | DreamTime Radio Show | Membership Information |Dream Time Magazine |Dreaming Journal