Jean Cambell

One Sunday morning, when I was four years old, I excitedly said to my family at the breakfast table, "Last night, I flew all the way to the bottom of the stairs, and I didn't even hurt myself."

"Ohh," they laughed. "That was just a dream."

Just a dream, I thought sadly and, taking my cue from them, neglected my dreams for the next twenty years. Fortunately, before I reached thirty, my dreaming self woke me up. I have spent the rest of my life trying to recapture and understand the magic of that early dream, somewhat successfully.

In 1984, when ASD was formed, I was one of its first members, and one of its first conference presenters. How exciting it was to meet other people with goals similar to mine. At the time, I was director of a consciousness research organization, Poseidia Institute, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Among other things, I conducted dream research.

Although I left the field of dreams shortly after that, to pursue doctoral studies at The American University in Washington, D.C., I was lured back to ASD in the early '90s for the same reason the organization attracted me in the first place: people who were as curious about dreams as I was. I became the Public Bulletin Board host on the ASD web site <>in 1999.

A particular interest I have pursued is the ability of people to dream together. Several different group dreaming experiments were conducted over a period of ten years. Some of the results of this research have been published in articles, but I am currently writing a book about the project: Group Dreaming: Dreams to the Tenth Power.

More recently, since training in Energetic Metatherapy with Dr. Hector Curi-Kano, my interest has turned to teaching people how to utilize body consciousness while working with dreams. And I have begun to conduct individual sessions and workshops in DreamWork/BodyWork.

My all-time favorite dream book, though not entirely a dream book, is Jane Roberts' The Nature of Personal Reality. And my favorite dream course, the one that started it all, is recounted above.


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Courtesy of Peggy Coats, Linda Lane Magallón and Richard Catlett Wilkerson * © 2001 Association for the Study of Dreams * Version 6-6-01